Rebman & Associates L.L.C. engages in practice of law primarily in the Kansas City metropolitan area. We do accept cases from other jurisdictions throughout Missouri and Kansas including, but not limited to St. Joseph, Sedalia, Columbia, Lexington, Jefferson City, Springfield, Leavenworth, Wichita, Topeka, and Lawrence, KS.
Any materials provided on this site are believed, but not guaranteed, to be accurate and current and are intended to educate visitors. The information provided is summary in nature and is NOT, nor is it intended to constitute, individualized legal advice upon which site visitors may rely. Because every case involves different facts, and a visitor's particular factual situation may call for an application of legal principles to facts which are not covered by the general information provided here, visitors should consult with an attorney for individualized legal advice and neither take nor refrain from taking action based on materials found here.
Visitors must be aware that while certain legal principles outlined on this site may be similar to principles followed in their own states, laws can very considerably from state to state. Therefore, visitors from foreign countries and other U.S. states should be aware that the laws of their country or State may differ very substantially from the information provided here. Therefore, legal information and/or specific advice should always be obtained from a local source.
Neither visiting this site nor exchanging e-mail with any of the attorneys at Rebman & Associates L.L.C., will create an attorney-client relationship. Rebman & Associates L.L.C. will enter into such an attorney-client relationship only after meeting personally with a prospective client, ensuring that no conflict-of-interest exists, and mutually agreeing on essential matters including the scope of representation and contingent fee and expense arrangements. Until Rebman & Associates L.L.C. enters into an attorney-client relationship, any communications to us by a prospective client will not be covered by the rule of law that protects the confidentiality of communications between a prospective client and attorney.
Our office will endeavor to respond promptly to e-mail, but we will neither accept requests for nor provide specific legal advice by e-mail except to established clients. Visitors and established clients should be aware that: (1) Internet communications to us and our responses are not necessarily secure and confidential unless an encryption program is used; (2) We are not using an encryption program at this time.
The Rule of Professional Conduct promulgated by the Missouri Supreme Court require that if a lawyer initiates written communication with persons known to need legal services of the kind provided by a lawyer in a particular matter, the following statement be included in conspicuous print. Although it is unlikely that visitors to this site will be visiting under the circumstances envisioned in the rule, we prefer to err on the side of caution and therefore include this statement: ADVERTISING MATERIAL: COMMERCIAL SOLICITATIONS ARE PERMITTED BY THE MISSOURI RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT BUT ARE NEITHER SUBMITTED TO NOR APPROVED BY THE MISSOURI BAR OR THE SUPREME COURT OF MISSOURI. (Missouri Supreme Court Rule 4-7.3(a))
The laws of other states regarding attorney communications may differ from the State of Missouri's. If the materials on this site do not comply with the laws of another state from which a client seeks legal representation as a result of communications on this site, we will not accept that representation.